It’s not over.
Joe and Laura Carey, local garden designers based in North Norfolk write about how it's not all over for your garden. With some careful thought and planning - this time of year can be magical as the Autumnal light sets over your space.

Locals We Love
Joe and Laura Carey, local garden designers based in North Norfolk describe some of their local favourite businesses in and around the town of Holt.

Know your limits
Joe and Laura Carey, the winners of House & Garden Rising Star (Gardens) award for 2024, sponsored by Munder Skiles, on how to successfully design a garden with colour at its heart

How to design a show garden…
In this article we give our top tips for how to design a show garden. Our approach was simple - keep it local, work with friends and hold everything lightly. This simple guide outlines our approach to designing a show garden - our gold medal winning formula.

Watch that space
Tips for designing a garden. In this article we explain the basic approach to planning and designing your own garden. It is a creative and exciting process, that requires thought, patience and vision.

Our top 5 Tools for gardening
Cleaning up for the Spring! Its time to get your house (or shed) in order - ready for one of the year’s most important garden seasons.

Our Pledge for 2024
Our simple pledge for 2024 is to donate towards the Climate Resilient Agriculture Fund by giving ‘seeds of hope and tools for change’ every time we create a garden this year. For more information, visit ChristianAid and discover how you can support those desperate need of hope and change.

Wildflower Meadows
Using wildflower meadows to not only add beauty and wildlife to your garden - but also to deal with tricky planting areas and (in this case) to stabilise the soil.

What are Cottage Garden Plants?
What are cottage garden plants?

Being Garden Designers in Norfolk
Being garden designers in Norfolk.

Materials Matter
Materials Matter - of course, a garden is incomplete without plants. However, the harmony between the man-made and the natural is crucial to getting something special. Here are some thoughts…

The Beginner’s Guide to designing your garden
The beginner’s guide to designing your garden - a brief overview of the basics. Even if you can’t afford to get the pros in, here are some fundamental things to think about before doing anything to your garden.