Bethnal Green

A work in progress.

This project has evolved from the relocation of our RHS Gold Medal winning (and best in show) garden for Talitha Arts. Now, as part of a wider development project for 2024, we have returned to this thriving community focused cafe garden to produce designs for the remaining spaces. This project has a particular focus on biodiversity, accessibility and community.

UPDATE: Following a successful bid and tendering process, we are delighted to announce that this project is due to begin construction in April 2024. We will be posting updates on the development of this exciting space on Instagram - with final images posted on this page in due course.

A design sketch showing five white circular tables on gravel surrounded by plants of varying heights in plant beds.
Image of a garden design in progress by Joe and Laura Carey from Carey Garden Design Studio LLP
Image of a garden design in progress by Joe and Laura Carey from Carey Garden Design Studio LLP
Image of a garden design in progress by Joe and Laura Carey from Carey Garden Design Studio LLP

(Coming Soon)


Roydon, Essex